Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Learning and Cognitive Processes


When it comes to teaching, a focus on learning and cognitive processes is very important. It is important for both teachers and students. A teacher should understand how students learn and process information. This will benefit teachers when teaching and students when learning. Everyone will benefit when a teacher understands the learning and cognitive processes.

Basic research tells us that humans are selective about what we mentally process and learn. We also know that the learner sometimes constructs meanings and understandings from within. This means that the environment does not always shape what is going on in the mind. Teachers must take this into consideration because a student could be focused on something else while the teacher is teaching. It is important for teachers to know the best methods of teaching meanings and concepts. They must know how to connect to students and access long-term memory. As a teacher, I will try to make learning as fun yet meaningful as possible. I have learned the value of connecting information with previous knowledge and finding a way to connect them. It is easier to learn and memorize when information can be grouped into categories. Repetition is also important when learning no matter what age group you are teaching. When I am a teacher I will put all of these things into practice to create a productive learning environment for my students.

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