Monday, September 15, 2014


"The starting point of all achievement is desire" -Napolean Hill 

Motivation is defined as a force that energizes, sustains, and directs behavior towards a goal. I believe that motivation is an extremely important aspect of teaching. One important question all teachers should ask is, "How do I get students to care?" This is important because if students care about what they are doing, they will be more likely to take pride in what they are doing. This means they will be less likely to slack off, and they will be motivated to do their best. If a student is not motivated to do well, it is the teacher's responsibility to try and motivate that student.

Something to consider might be to spark interest before motivation. For me, I am always motivated to learn and achieve if it is something that interests me. Also, teachers should explain why it is important to learn and achieve. A teacher should be a role model by displaying a good work ethic along with motivation to be a good teacher. Other resources might also be helpful when encouraging a student to do well. It is great to get students involved and make them feel important.

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