Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Common Core in Tennessee

About Tennessee Standards:

Common Core State Standards can be defined as "a set of clear college- and career-ready standards for kindergarten through 12th grade in English language arts/literacy and mathematics". This definition was developed by various educational professionals                                                               across the country.

Common Core is being used as a way to unite all 50 states educationally. It allows every state to follow the same academic standards creating equal learning opportunities for every student across the United States. I think that this is a great idea, but it is easier said than done. As of right now, states can choose to accept or reject the Common Core State Standards curriculum. Forty-five states have accepted the curriculum standards. This is great, but it still does not ensure that there will be uniformity among education in all 50 states. The remaining states could choose not to accept the curriculum. There are many pros to these common state standards, but implementing them will not be easy. I believe that they could be very successful if implemented properly.

My hope for these standards is that teachers keep up creativity and do not try to teach for the test. Teachers will be under a lot of pressure to teach specific things quickly and efficiently, but it is important to always keep in mind the students and their individual needs. I think that students are most productive in a fun and creative environment. Students need to stay interested in school, and motivating and encouraging students is one of the most important jobs of a teacher. I think that teachers need to meet the common core standards in the most fun and creative ways possible.

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